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    samritakumari  42, Female, India - First entry!
Nov 2017
6:42 AM IST

Quick 3 Solo Travel Tips in India

Traveling all by way of yourself (solo) comes with many benefits and one can experience the actual form of freedom. If goes on good, it is the variety of freeness that some attempt for their complete lives for attaining it. The liberty of going anywhere you like to, eat anything at any time, binge the place you desire to and save when you need to save a lot (without the guilt feeling). Aside from journey and the elation of being doubtlessly independent, traveling solo is a way to be trained extra about yourself, your strengths, and things you never knew you would do.

Listed here are journey recommendations as why you ought to take up solo travelling as once in your lifetime and why you should go solo in India.

Mode of Travel: journeying by way of bus is particularly effortless and riskless across India, take a bus to your vacation spot making your hassles lesser. Booking on-line bus tickets is made easy through , allowing you to undergo secured online reserving system. This online bus reservation portal presents tickets at discounted prices with zero booking expenses. Pick from the array of buses listed and experience the joy of roads leading to your favoured region.

Where to Satisfy hunger:
local meals is tasty and inexpensive, street meals is the first-rate option when you are in India. For a low cost meal try at a regional restaurant, costs are cheap. That you could also are trying meal at a mid-variety restaurant for a nicer meal and pleasant drinks. Go solo and live like a local when in India!
Where to take rest: There are alternatives of moderately priced dorms and hostels; amenities comprise Free Wi-Fi and free breakfast, which are particularly long established. Staying in hostels maintains you reliable, as you are not the one person in the market. Seeing that hostels and homestays are so affordable, camping will not be very well known except you decide to trek.

1 comment(s) - 01:45 PM - 03/18/2020

    carlahuf  44, Male, Alabama, USA - First entry!
Jan 2018
6:11 AM IST


Austria’s imperial capital, Vienna is largest city in Austria and a major economic, political and cultural of country. City is a major tourist attraction with plenty to offer its visitors. Vienna’s historic city centre is registered as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Vienna International Airport is a main gateway and largest airport of Austria. Vienna is home to extraordinarily spectacular churches. Some of them has been listed below.



It is most important Gothic Church and major landmark of Vienna which drives the attention of huge number of people. Pummerin the one of 13 bells is second biggest free swing bell of Europe.



This Roman Catholic Church is one of the oldest churches of Vienna. It has been destroyed and re-built many times which resulted in interesting structure of church. Make sure you have a rental car to visit iconic churches of Vienna. Having self drive car hire Vienna International Airport is most convenient option of all.



This Roman Catholic Church is located in 11th district. Built in 1910, it is one of the important Art Nouveau churches in city.



House to many curious treasures, this church dates back to 13th century. Building of St Michael’s Church dates back to Romasque time. IT is mostly visited for its unique and interesting catacombs.



Another drive is to second-tallest church in Vienna. It is a popular attraction in Vienna as this church is one of the important neo Gothic sacred buildings in the World.



This is an orthodox church built in byzantine style with little additions of classical Nordic Style dates back to 18th century. It is one of the most spectacular churches of Vienna which needs to be must visited.


Further, St Nicholas Church, ST Peter’s Church and The Church at Steinhof are beautiful churches worth more visiting. Vienna is full of historic and religious gems, having your own set of wheels is very important for exploring Vienna. It is always recommended to make advance bookings of hotels, car rentals and other arrangements. Answers to all your queries regarding How to book and Where to book Vienna car rentals, are just a click away on any of the car rental websites.�

    daffodil  40, Male, Australia - First entry!
Feb 2018
1:25 AM IST



Salzburg is a picture perfect city of Austria with so much to offer its visitors whether it is beautiful architecture, great shopping streets of amazing food. Salzburg has something less or more for everyone. Salzburg Airport is an important gateway to Mozart’s city. Salzburg is home to plenty of restaurants which can amuse even the most picky eaters. Austrian cuisine is dominated by meat but still there are plethora of vegetarian restaurants in Slazburg.


THE HEART OF JOY CAFE – Franz-Josef Strasse 3, 5020 Salzburg

Delicious vegan and vegetarian mains on offer followed by yummy deserts. You can also enjoy typical Austrian style cakes and coffee too. They use local and organic products as their ingredients. It’s a must try for all the vegetarians and vegans.


GUSTAV CAFE AND BISTRO – Wolf-Dietrich-Strasse 33, A-5020 Salzburg

An amazing vegan restaurant with hipster vibe offers variety of sandwiches, salads, Soups, natural juices, coffee. Their cuisine is ab yummy blend of classic Austrian and international taste. Very hostile staff and owner, quick service and food served is rich in quality.

Salzburg food scene is so rich that it can be explored best via your self drive car hire Salzburg Airport, as with this you can begin exploration of best places to eat freely and from airport only.


MANGOES – Schrannengasse 14, 5020 Salzburg

Fresh Food for Smart people is the punch line of this restaurant. It is a perfect stop for vegetarians to have a healthy vegetarian fresh meal. Sandwiches, wraps, soups and stews are on offer with freshly made juice. Menu here changes everyday and with seasonal products.


THE GREEN GARDEN – Maxglaner Hauptsrabe 22 Salzburg

A great place for healthy vegetarian food made out of organic ingredients and local produce. Passionate chefs makes innovative vegetarian dishes with local products.



Its an Asian fusion chain serving vegetarian street food inspired from around the globe. Variety of food items are served such as sushi, couscous, curries, salads, ramen soups, organic coffee, brownies and homemade lemonade. Personalisation of dishes can also be done.

Salzburg is a small beautiful city with plenty to offer. It is a major tourist attraction in Austria which also makes it a bit crowded. Make a smart choice and make booking for hotels and rental cars in advance. In this case internet is a blessing having answers to all your questions regarding where to book hotels or how to book Salzburg car rentals. So use it wisely and enjoy hassle free vacation and time in Mozart’s city.


    edan  33, Male, Alabama, USA - First entry!
Feb 2018
4:51 AM IST


On the banks of river Danube, Linz is a beautiful city flooded with attractions and fun activities for each and everyone irrespective of the ages. Linz Airport is the main gateway to enter Linz. Linz has so much to offer its visitors from scenic beauty, most futuristic Museums, great restaurants and cafes. Linz is an European Capital of Cultural and a lively city. When travelling to Linz with family and kids, you have plenty of things to choose from to begin your joyful journey.



Shattering the stereotype and boring museums, Ars Electronica centre is great place to take your kids to. IT is also known as museum of Future. Latest technological updates happening in all over the world are displayed here. You and your kids can conduct experiments and research on adventure journeys here. There are many more places where kids can enjoy the most. Having a self drive car hire Linz Airport is a most convenient means to travel along with family and kids.



A trip to top of the Postlingberg hill on world’s steepest mountain tram, Postlingbergbahn is something your kids and family will love. Grottenbahn is a paradise for kids fun. It is a kingdom of dwarves and fairy tales which kids will love and enjoy visiting and playing there.



Linz hosts a large number of festivals and events each year. There are many cultural programme for whole family. Especially for kids there are Children’s Cultural week and Children’s Film Festival Further Night of the Family, Kinderklangwolke by the Danube, Hohenrausch and Pflasterspektakel are the other highlights of Linz.



Danube being Europe’s one of the great water highway plays an important role in Linz’s trade. Lentos Museum and Donau park on the banks are worth a visit. Further you can enjoy the cold breeze and ride a cycle along the Danube long distance cycle route or just enjoy the riverside walk and let kids play in the playground.


Linz is one of the best places to enjoy vacation and quality time with your loved ones. Visiting Linz with your family and kids is a great fun but also calls for some responsibilities. Linz is one of the popular cities of Austria among tourists. It is suggested to make bookings for hotels, rentals cars, events, or other places in advance. All information regarding where to book Linz car rentals or how to book Linz hotels is available online.�

    hapenjackj  34, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Jul 2018
7:04 AM IST

Berdarmawisata Menuju ke Kebumen dari Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta adalah salah satu dari 32 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu pusat budaya terbesar di Asia. Provinsi ini terletak di kaki Gunung berapi Merapi, yang mana masih aktif hingga saat ini. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Yogyakarta telah berkembang menjadi pusat perkotaan utama yang melestarikan sebagian besar tradisinya. Kota ini memiliki ketertarikan spesial tersendiri dan tentunya akan memikat hati anda ketika anda mencapai kota ini. Provinsi ini juga salah satu daerah yang paling padat penduduk sebesar 3,5 juta jiwa dan diresmikan di tahun 1756. Pengrajin lokal disini memproduksi perak, olahan kulit, tekstil batik, dan kayu. Cukup banyak sekolah lukis modern di kota ini mengajarkan seni tradisional dan kontemporer bagi para siswanya. Kota ini juga menjadi jalan utama menuju Jawa Tengah menurut letak geografis. Yogyakarta secara strategis terbentang dari Gunung Merapi sampai Samudera Hindia dan terletak di tiga lembah sungai yaitu Sungai Winongo, Sungai Code, dan Sungai Gajahwong. Ada beberapa transportasi udara yang melakukan perjalan menuju dan dari Yogyakarta ke beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Ketika berbicara tentang tarian tradisional disini, kota ini menjadi pemimpin dibanding kota-kota lainnya di negara ini. Kota yang memiliki hari jadi pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1956 ini adalah kota yang hidup dan menjadi kesukaan alam. Jalan Malioboro adalah tempat dimana hampir semua turis menuju kesini pada malam hari. Jalanan ini penuh dengan pedagang kaki lima yang menjual makanan paling enak. Ketika kita makan disini, banyak seniman jalanan yang hadir menemani santap malam. Jika anda berada di kota ini, pastikan jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi berbagai pusat perbelanjaan mewah disini.


Kebumen merupakan salah satu kabupaten terbesar di seluruh Jawa Tengah dan nama kota ini diambil pada zaman dahulu ketika tempat ini menjadi daerah pelarian Pangeran Bumidirja atau Pangeran Mangkubumi dari kota Mataram pada 26 Juni 1677, saat berkuasanya Sunan Amangkurat I. Nama kota ini konon berasal dari kata Kabumian yang berarti sebagai tempat tinggal Kyai Bumi. Hingga beberapa tahun, Kebumen dianggap sebagai daerah historis di peta dan juga merupakan kota warisan nasional. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir kota ini telah mengalami perkembangan pesat. Kabupaten Kebumen memiliki luas wilayah 1300 km dan beberapa wilayah di kota ini adalah pesisir dan pegunungan.

Bus adalah salah satu layanan transportasi di Indonesia. Daripada terjebak kemacetan ibukota dan harus membayar akan hal itu, banyak warga Indonesia yang lebih memilih untuk bepergian dengan bus. Jumlah bus yang terdapat disini juga cukup banyak dengan bus yang datang hampir setiap 15 menit. Saya merekomendasikan kepada anda untuk memesan tiket dari jejaring situ karena apabila memesan tiket manual sangat repot untuk antri dan tiket juga cepat habis terjual. Situs redbus menawarkan anda diskon yang besar dan anda dapat memilih beberapa tipe bus seperti ekonomi, ekspress, dan luxury. Perjalanan bus akan membebankan biaya sekitar Rp. 50.000 hingga Rp. 200.000 tergantung tipe bus apa yang akan anda pesan. Jika anda berkejaran dengan waktu, saya sarankan anda untuk memesan tiket dengan tipe ekspress karena bus tipe ini hanya berhenti beberapa kali dan membuat perjalanan akan lebih cepat sampai pada destinasi yang anda inginkan. Jika anda adalah orang yang memiliki anggaran ketat, anda dapat memesan tiket bus tipe ekonomi. Tetapi, jika anda menginginkan perjalanan yang lebih menyenangkan, pastikan anda memesan tiket bus tipe luxury karena terdapat fasilitas kursi yang dapat disandarkan, film-film favorit selama perjalanan, dan makanan ringan. Jadi pesan tiket anda sekarang dan lewati jalananan menuju tempat yang anda inginkan.

Kedua kota ini memiliki jarak sekitar 100 km jauhnya dan total waktu perjalanan yang dihabiskan hanya 2 jam saja. Di situs ini disebutkan bahwa ada beberapa operator bus yang melakukan perjalanan bus antara kedua kota ini dan operator lokal tur disini yang lebih banyak mengoperasikan rute ini. Bus meninggalkan Yogyakarta setiap 4 jam sekali. Perjalanan anda akan dikenai biaya sekitar Rp 300.000,-. Saya sangat merekomendasikana anda untuk bepergian dengan bus karena operator bus disini sangat ramah dan terkadang dapat melayani sebagai pemandu turis juga.

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