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You searched for: Tag: STUPID
    Amby  23, Female, Australia - 2 entries
May 2009
10:56 PM EDT

I hate it

I hate gmail
1 comment(s) - 05:10 PM - 05/20/2009

    z3bastian  47, Male, Philippines - 7 entries
Apr 2009
5:29 PM PST

animal rights - we are just full of it

we have our so called animal rights, yet we have no qualms at slaughtering cows, pigs and chicken for their meat......any contrary argument would only mean discrimination between animals

    hotangel  25, Female, Illinois, USA - 7 entries
Dec 2008
9:50 AM EDT

yeah i am right

i am right about everything in my private journal because my brother and his friend does go on the computer every morning to midnight.

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