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    paterbabe  53, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 69 entries
Jul 2008
9:53 PM EDT

Poem - Armitage

And if it snowed and snow covered the drive

he took a spade and tossed it to one side.

And always tucked his daughter up at night

And slippered her the one time that she lied.

And every week he tipped up half his wage.

And what he didn't spend each week he saved.

And praised his wife for every meal she made.

And once, for laughing, punched her in the face.

And for his mum he hired a private nurse.

And every Sunday taxied her to church.

And he blubbed when she went from bad to worse.

And twice he lifted ten quid from her purse.

Here's how they rated him when they looked back:

sometimes he did this, sometimes he did that.

-Simon Armitage

Tags: quote

    paterbabe  53, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 69 entries
Jul 2008
7:42 PM EDT

Kobaayashi Issa haiku

Napped half the day;

no one

punished me!

-Kobaayashi Issa



Tags: quote

    paterbabe  53, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 69 entries
Jul 2008
12:28 AM EDT

William Blake quote

"There is a moment in every day that the devil cannot find."

- William Blake

Tags: quote

    csauls3378  47, Male, Tennessee, USA - 25 entries
May 2008
6:25 PM EDT

Thoughts on a random quote....

���� "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson


Basically I think it all ties back to the saying..."you reap what you sow"� or "luck is what you make of it."���

Tags: Quote

    csauls3378  47, Male, Tennessee, USA - 25 entries
May 2008
10:07 PM EDT

Random Quote

"To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it." - GK Chesterton

���� No, they are not the same. Free Will and/or Freedom of choice is the first part....the second part is whether or not it is considered right or just. It is opinionated because of this also. What is right to one may not be for the another.

Tags: Quote

    MajorAnon  53, Female, Australia - 3 entries
Dec 2007
10:35 PM EST


"Endurance is frequently a form of indecision." - Elizabeth Bibesco, Haven, 1951

what do you think this quote actually means?

1 comment(s) - 06:55 AM - 10/08/2008

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