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You searched for: Tag: Guoxiaosi88888888
    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
Apr 2011
9:40 PM PST

Wheres the remote that can be used to fix points in your life?

Sometimes I wonder why there can't be redo buttons and pause buttons, maybe even a rewind button. Sometimes when we mess up a moment of our life that we didn't want or didn't expect to happen, we want to have a do over. Even though there are ways to fix things without using the click of a redo button, there are some things that just can't be fixed without a painful memory sticking to you. There will also be times where you need a pause button to give yourself to think for a long time, nit just a quick second. That's not enough time to think a thought throw. And lastly, the rewind button. This is not like the redo button, it only let's you look back at what you've done in your life. Sometimes you need a visual of what happened back then not just what you imagined in your head. At least I think so...
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