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You searched for: Tag: Exterminate
    nodeadends  18, Female, New York, USA - 29 entries
Aug 2007
8:09 AM EDT

Ok here we go ... the cracker spoke to the kids in regard to the allegations I made against Joey. She spoke to the kids n.p. there, but most of her question was geared toward me. I don't know why she didn't show more interest in DJ and his situation. This is why I can't stand them nosy over zealous mother fuckers! If I have said it once..... Those crackers don't raise their children like African Americans do! I was watching wife swap last night one black couple and white couple the shit was off the hinges! Whites don't believe in corporal punishment that's why their kids are ill mannered and unruly. You would never see mine cutting up in public, I would whip that ass right on the spot.

That bitch was all up in business asking what my son said were "stupid" questions; Like does your mom feed when you're hungry, does your mom spank you, who resides in your house?. Whom do you live with? She already knows this, what she doesn't know is that I have prepped my kids on how to respond to questions from cps.

Spanking is not against the law, nor is it abuse. I made the mistake of giving her my work number this is a business, not the appropriate place for me to discuss what is going on with DJ. In some ways I regret calling them at all. They are like roaches once you have them its hard to exterminate them from you life.

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