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    nodeadends  18, Female, New York, USA - 29 entries
Aug 2007
10:44 AM EDT

I'm gone in a few minutes,next week thursday is my last day working here. I have to pay for my summer classes which is five hundred and some change. I have an apt with the new landlord. Hope he isnt expecting 600 from me for the month of august. One I dont have it and two why would I pay the full amount when Iam moving in the end of the month. I dont like change I am not in control of. Gotta keep living, considering moving and telling zay nothing. Let her ass figure it out when all our shit is gone. She is better living in the damn streets I cant take care of her nor do I want to. I got my own problems and cant fix any one else's. Why does she insist on running in and out of my house? She clearly has somewhere else to be so stay there is my thought. I dont want my kids to imitate her behaviors, such as drugs, laying up, being slack, nasty smelly and ghetto must not forget a damn drop out. Yes I dropped out of high school but for good reasons I was raped during the school year twice,the first time it was in the paper. Second time it was by her father whom I abhor with every cell of my being. I have wondered why he hasnt done the world a favor and killed himslef in a cruel manner. Like hang him self by his genitials. My mind is warped, hey what would expect from a sadist masochist?

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