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You searched for: Tag: Anxiety
    flowerlilliesofthegarden  47, Female, California, USA - 29 entries
Aug 2009
3:07 PM PDT

Depression and Anxiety

I have not been feeling at all today. The Depression group did not go well and I did not make it to my other groups. I had a severe migraine that would not go away and I felt nauseous all day. I also felt as if I was going to have an anxiety attack, but thank God I didn't. I really do not want to end up in the hospital again.On a better note though I�found $3 that someone had lost.� I�am sorry for the person that lost the $3, but it was good for me to find $3 because I�need it on Sunday, so my friend and I�can go out to lunch.� Hopefully, the person who lost it will not miss it.� The person dropped it on the ground.� If it had been in a wallet, I�would have found the owner and not kept the money, but since the bills were lying there open, I�didn't ask anyone if they lost some money because they could have said, "Yes,"even if they didn't and it cheered me up anyway.� I don't feel bad for keeping it because I know if I�lost money, someone would have it.� Once I�found $20 in the gutter and another time I�found $10 at school. �That was really cool because I�treated my friend out when I�found $20 and when �I found $10 I�treated my mom and friend out.�


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