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    luckygurl15  35, Female, Nevada, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
5:47 PM EDT

Im new in public journaling and im hoping that it will find people to help me with my everyday life my mom for instance. she is always freaking about her weight and then trys to put it on us, saying things like you need to help me, or dont let me eat any junk food and when we try to stop her she just says its my body ill do what i want, its my body. she doesnt understand that we're trying to help. then when i want to eat something that isnt so healthy she says stuff like omg that will go straight to your mid section and i can already see it happening... as a teen ager i cant take that kind of creative critisism. What she says has effected me in the long hold and she doesnt even relize she does it...when i try to tell her to just leave me alone i can be as healthy as i want to be she yells and says that i need to be very healthy to be very happy. i kinda understand where shes coming from and i know if i became over weight that i would hate myself. thats probably true but i play alot of sports and do alot of activities which increases my motabilism which keeps my weight off. somebody please help me in trying to explain this to my mom with out her totally getting offended.

    lah23  33, Female, Nevada, USA - 12 entries
Oct 2006
3:28 PM EDT

hey every one this is your girl lah

    4me  53, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
5:27 PM PDT

This is my weight loss journal... to keep me on track and keep my thoughts clear. I just started my program today, Lean for Life, low carb and sane. Today is just low carb... I'm feeling a bit too hungry for sane! Tummy-growl be damned! I am motivated to lose this major amount of weight, as my username says, for ME. I want to be healthy and strong and able to walk without getting short of breath. I want to have a physical actiity goal... just don't know what, yet. I'll figure it out. Mortgage broker called for my fiancee today and said that I "sound really good." Over the phone flirtation... I want to look as good as I sound. Blessings.

    lilvixen  34, Female, California, USA - 10 entries
Oct 2006
1:02 PM EDT

hey today was a good day for me. i had fun at skool and found out that alot of boys like me. well i g2g byex for now

    sparklerainbow91  33, Female, California, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2006
9:40 AM PST

today was a good day. i had fun talking to my friends at school and stuff. i saw the guy i like hugging up on his gf, which made me so mad and sad at the same time. maybe he isnt the right guy for me. there is someone out there for everyone, even if its not now. there is, i just want to find my guy. :( well i think i should give up on him because he has a gf and he probably won't break up with her for me. one of my mom's friends asked us to take care of this sickly kitten. she found it and the pound only takes it if it weighs 3 pounds. it weighs nothing. it is skin and bones. it is so sick with all kinds of things wrong with it. of course knowing my mom, we will end up keeping it. she has a heart for sick and helpless animals. it is so weird though, cause as my sister and i were coming home, i was just saying how i hadn't found an animal yet. well that was pretty much my day nothing much. well until tomorrow, chow!

    SterlynSilverRose  37, Female, Texas, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2006
10:46 PM EDT

What did I do today? I actually sat down and did absoultely jack squat. I laid in bed and watched about 15 episodes of slayers. I finished the first part of the series and stuff ...Yeah fun right? Hell it got my room mate and suite mates to leave me alone. Also I watched the ending episode to Ouran High Host Club. 26 episodes and this one was the most action packed. I ate it up like most girls my age would though...It was a sad ep but happy at the same time. Tamaki came back to everyone and the host club will still be there. Not only that but, apparently Kyouya's dad and Tamaki's dad both want Haruhi to marry their sons. That impressed me. Maybe the fact that it impressed me is because although I might not be as cute as Haruhi I have some of her personality. But, of course since that ended I had to find something else to watch right? Well, I have decided that I am going to be very patient and wait till like Wednesday or Thursday for D.Gray-Man and Death Note Episodes to come out. I can't wait since I have been reading D. Gray-Man. Oni-con is Oct 20th so this is 18 days and counting. I am looking forward to it and I think that it's going to be a whole lot of fun. I just want to have some fun and see my friends since things at my recent college are not going to well in the friend department. I already feel myself distancing quite a far way away from everyone here. Not that it matters or people notice much. I DID come to study. I didn't come to make friends after all. It kinda sucks but, I am getting my gamer hands back and slowly I am able to feel my spirits lifted due to manga, anime and games. Yeah, I know that it's pathetic that I cling to those things, but that is really what defines me as who I am. I guess you could say that it makes we really happy to where I don't need to bank on the companion ship of others to give me that. Why rely on people when they can't even be there for you on the most important or mundane occasions? I would much rather just know that I am working for myself and to better myself as a whole. But, in the interaction department I guess I will just never get any better. Oh well, not a big deal right? Right. That is what I will tell myself. Even though I do want a boyfriend sometime I don't need one now. A wise man once told me not to look for anything lasting in college because guys just want the girls that will 'put out' and I think he hit the nail on the head. Welp enough for my random thoughts. I'm going to log onto Pirch and see if Vulspeth is on. He owes me rp.

    Mariah  32, Female, Canada - 3 entries
Sep 2006
11:40 AM EDT

Yay Did I tell you that my bestfriend broke up with her boyfriend just for me, now im dating him and she doesnt even care, gawd im so in love lol I just love him so much..........

    sexyprincess13  31, Female, Washington, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2006
7:44 PM EDT

Hey ya'll!!! Listenen to ciara get up right now!!! You wanna listen to music!!?? Well go on then music videos and type what singer u want!!!see ya

    whatisperfection  30, Female, Canada - First entry!
Sep 2006
1:21 PM EDT

hey .. im bridget im gonna come on every day and tell you about my life my first thing is im overweight and hate it I eat right hate fast food play every sport jog and am in shape but I dont know i guess the world hates me it makes me soooo frusterated! ill tty tomorrow about some more stuff xoxo WHAT IS PERFECTION?? xoxo
1 comment(s) - 04:08 AM - 09/28/2006

    please6kill6me6  33, Male, Washington, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2006
10:13 AM EDT

Well. Things are better. Sorry I haven't written in ages. I've been busy. Life isn't that bad anymore. Because my dad emailed me and we started talking and I realized I need to look at the good things. And the good things are my friends. Today was James Hetfeild day. From Metallica? yea. Me and my friends either wore all black or wore a shirt with James Hetfield on it. yep. All my friends are metallica freaks. so am i. so i can't complain. hehe. tomorrow is aiden day, and December 8 is dimebag day. (daryl abbot- guitarist of pantera) Well. Social Services didn't fuck up my life. and. I uh.....there's this guy that i met yesterday. John. I see potential there. hehe. And Wes keeps looking at me during first. It annoys me. I want nothing to do with him because he reminds me of Tony. By the way. Tony emailed my ex. Len. They are fighting over me. Yay. I hope Tony doesnt think he can charm his way into my life by saying he actuallly cares. cuz he doesnt. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. haha. Cody...I'm worried about him, he was crying two days ago...I don't know how to help him though because I don't know how to get him to talk to me. I might... write a note or something. I'm trying to get a job. And when i do. I'm buying a laptop. cuz i need one. more than anything i need one. I dont own a computer. but im one of those kids who love computers. so yea. I'm writing an essay on gay rights. so yay me! im FOR it. hehe. idk...things are better. but the minute i stop working or writing or reading, the minute i fall asleep, tony escapes into my thoughts. is that love? i dont even know if he loves me. thats the worst part. is not being able to talk to him, to ask him. "hey how do you feel about me?" i used to. but...he goes to college now. and...i can't call him because my parents hate him. and i have to act like he's a bitch. well i have to go... later peeps!!! -my trenchcoat mafia family rocks.

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