yud1z journal

Mar 2011
10:31 PM WIB

hello people, today is finishing my project, so monday will be fresh.

and monday is my first time, i work in padinet. so great. i never imagine it.

ow ya, for my queen. i am who i am, if you just dont look at me, letter, i will make you look at me. i will get your standar. i hope you read this.

tday is full day eventough this is weekend. bye bye everybody.

Mar 2011
8:56 AM WIB

what the hell is this situation. i really dont like party. f*ck about party, i dont like mass people, i dont like huge sound of music. so stressfull.

party = hell.

i dont know why everybody like party??

i just want to stay in calm place, with my book, and my computer.

Mar 2011
8:56 AM WIB

what the hell is this situation. i really dont like party. f*ck about party, i dont like mass people, i dont like huge sound of music. so stressfull.

party = hell.

i dont know why everybody like party??

i just want to stay in calm place, with my book, and my computer.

Mar 2011
8:41 AM WIB

bagaimana kalau presiden kita itu gagap, kaya di film "speech king".

nah loh. bagaimana kalau presiden itu adalah presiden kita.

yang gw maksud disini bukanlah tentang sifat, tapi tentang behavior, tentang kekurangan seseorang.

liat deh kebiasaan manusia, itu cuma trend yang dibuat oleh manusia itu sendiri, bahkan gagap, sampe latah pun pernah jadi trend. padahal itu merupakan sesuatu kekurangan.

untuk kesekian kalinya gw bilang disini, manusia itu sangat2 subjektif.

jadi untuk menilai orang lain, adalah penilaian subjektif, evetough itu adalah juri yang prfesional, ataupun psikiater.

oke kalo begitu bisa disimpulkan bahwa manusia itu tidak ada pembeda, kita sama. cuma behavior kita yang membedakan di mata kita.

Mar 2011
8:13 AM WIB

oke, hey everybody i am at home. just eat, and have fun with my cousan. so happy.

ow ya, i got planning get kosan again. i think this is the best idea, to make my self keep focus doing a thing.

and my manager angry to me because too late. sorry boss. wakakakak

best regards


Mar 2011
10:01 PM WIB

if you dont mind. please check my tugas. http://upload.ugm.ac.id/692ekonomi_makro.xls i will respect for the knowledge.

Mar 2011
8:33 PM WIB

Good morning

Rainy days, in Jakarta.

Mar 2011
5:37 AM WIB

mood gw hari ini

setelah gw nonton social network. kok jadi pengan pake kde3 lagi ya. ah downgraade lagi.

dengan beigut gw harus menghapalkan sintaks js, css, sama html, diluar kepala. tanpa bantuan tool.sehari bisa nih.

Mar 2011
4:01 AM WIB

Tentang fungsi dari return

kebanyakan programmer awal, mungkin akan bingung, salah satu yang membingungkan fungsi dari return tersebut.

saya akan menerangkan secara simple apa itu fungsi dari return.

dan lebih difokuskan pada php programming, supaya pembaca mudah dalam implementasinya.

kita ambil dari dokumentasi si php. apa kata mereka?

"If called from within a function, the return() statement immediately ends execution of the current function, and returns its argument as the value of the function call. return() will also end the execution of an eval() statement or script file. "

intinya bener2 gak jelas, dan bukan bahasa kita.

kalo gitu coba ambil contoh.

function hitung($a,$b)
$hasil = $a + $b;
return $hasil;

nah mulai tebak2an lah kok gitu??

sebenernya itu adalah yang paling simple. lihat ...return $hasil; ...
kita mulai tebak2an apa itu return.

sekarang return bisa kita artikan sebagai,

eksekusi variabel, yang akan dijalankan setelah fungsi terisi parameternya.

coba implementasikan kebanyak kode, terutama kode yang yang mengurusi soal string array.


best regards


Mar 2011
2:55 AM WIB

the Diamond Programming

i will not telling you what is that. i just want to tell you the concept.

can you imagine, how powerfull you are if� you have eficiense, and asey coding.

that why diamond programming.

diamond meand, high class of rock.

in this situation i said, parmming of high class language.

its not about the oop or the procedurral concept. its all about outr concept to controlling what we create.

EOF. just thats it.

Mar 2011
2:50 AM WIB

my forst online journal

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  • Username: yud1z
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: Indonesia
    YUD1Z's Interests:

    About Me: sharing is caring.