x3VanDyke's Journal

Feb 2007
3:19 PM EDT

Hey Y'all My plans for this Weekend:

FrIdAy-Stay with Alyssa and go skating with her! I hope I'm allowed to go(= It would be tons of Fun!

SaTuRdAy-Maybe I'll go to the movies;; with Lyss or my sister or whoever idc;;MAYBE on the movies thing though!

SuNdAy-I'm back home=()=

Anyway those are my plans so far! and today was fun in Study Hall;;Frickin Mr. Dawsey's H pd class had to come to my study Hall and Nick sat and talked to all of us it was funn! But Chris and Jen(Miss McNeal) kicked Neen off and Jen kicked off Nick but he never left Lol gotta go people keep IMing me AHHHH!
1 comment(s) - 09:18 AM - 03/01/2007

x3VanDyke's Profile

  • Username: x3VanDyke
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    X3VANDYKE's Interests:

    About Me: Meh name is Dallas, I am 15, I attend Towanda Jr/Sr High I'm in 9th grade I love My Fam&&Friends soo effin much!, I have brown hair,my eyes change colors, anymore IM me at x3Loverz4Eva15 on AIM 'I get myspace layouts at UltimateMySpace.com. Get this layout

    Interests: Hangin' out wit friends Bein with my baby!(when i have one) Dancin around,Singin' goofing around with my bitches!

    Favorite Music: Everythin really

    Favorite Movies: Any but I love HORROR!

    Favorite Television: Anythin'

    Favorite Books: Dave Pelzer

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