x3VanDyke's Journal

Feb 2007
8:39 AM EDT

Okay Y'all I'm back someone left me this really weird message on my answering machine I think it's cassie but hell i'm not sure! Anyway I just left Brit a comment on her Inbox entry! hope she gets it=) Okay I Officially think I'm over that Brown kid. and I think it's for the best all he wants to do is ruin my life and i'm not for that. I miss what we had but i can find someone better everyone tells me so. Yeah� and I'm Flippin bored. I tried to call who i think left that message back but.. called=busy! I have school tomorrow i havent had it for 2 days so we get out June 4th, now not June 2nd. So.�ASSHOLE is on AIM now yay! He better not talk to me! Haw He is out to Mel&&I and it bugs the F**kin shit right out of me! Boys like him drive me to the Psych ward and back a million times! lol..seriously..� I really would prefer me find someone better.. But who is that? well answer to that is IDFK.




Later Y'all!

�������� Dallas
1 comment(s) - 09:27 AM - 02/22/2007

x3VanDyke's Profile

  • Username: x3VanDyke
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    X3VANDYKE's Interests:

    About Me: Meh name is Dallas, I am 15, I attend Towanda Jr/Sr High I'm in 9th grade I love My Fam&&Friends soo effin much!, I have brown hair,my eyes change colors, anymore IM me at x3Loverz4Eva15 on AIM 'I get myspace layouts at UltimateMySpace.com. Get this layout

    Interests: Hangin' out wit friends Bein with my baby!(when i have one) Dancin around,Singin' goofing around with my bitches!

    Favorite Music: Everythin really

    Favorite Movies: Any but I love HORROR!

    Favorite Television: Anythin'

    Favorite Books: Dave Pelzer

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