x3VanDyke's Journal

Feb 2007
1:01 PM EDT

Well today i wore the shirt Sager let me borrow and i had frickin Nick M. and Ryan D. (all that i know of) lookin down my shrit once again i should have worn a sweatshrit to lunch and spanish anyway.. FRIDAY is going to be soo much fun i can see it now! lol and today I started talking to Macey M. again i explained to her why i was a bitch to her and that i understand why she is with Chris now. and + if they're happy then ican learn to be so yeah. anyway Sager I miss ya hon! Welpz I better start lookin for backgrounds on MySpace or something. And i'm adding pix to my myspaces soo yeah fun fun!um I'm on AIM all the time and Yahoo none of my time now-a-days. Umm..I'll check in later love ya muchly!

x3VanDyke's Profile

  • Username: x3VanDyke
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    X3VANDYKE's Interests:

    About Me: Meh name is Dallas, I am 15, I attend Towanda Jr/Sr High I'm in 9th grade I love My Fam&&Friends soo effin much!, I have brown hair,my eyes change colors, anymore IM me at x3Loverz4Eva15 on AIM 'I get myspace layouts at UltimateMySpace.com. Get this layout

    Interests: Hangin' out wit friends Bein with my baby!(when i have one) Dancin around,Singin' goofing around with my bitches!

    Favorite Music: Everythin really

    Favorite Movies: Any but I love HORROR!

    Favorite Television: Anythin'

    Favorite Books: Dave Pelzer

    X3VANDYKE's Friends: