Humans don't understand angels.� No idea.� They really seem to think that we have wings and float around in heaven.��Oh sure, we can have wings if we want, but honestly they get in the way.�Besides, they tend to scare people.� I mean what would you do if you somebody suddenly spread these huge white wings?� I guess it would be better than spreading huge black wings and breathing fire.�� Still, it's daunting.� I don't recommend that you try it - if you're an angel that is.�
All the people who've seen my wings have been pretty darn scared.� That's no way to strike up a conversation.�� I'd rather get to know folks before they find out my secrets.� So most the time, I don't have wings.� I don't exactly keep them at home.� You couldn't go into my closet, for example, and check to see if I was wearing them that day.� But I can have them any time I want.� They're just not that useful.�
We don't spend too much time in heaven either.� Why do people think we do?� First, it's boring up there.� I mean a cloud is a cloud is a cloud.� Sure it's peaceful, but I like a little excitement now and again.� Can you imagine just hanging around doing nothing for an eternity?� Oh my God - excuse me Boss, but what's the good in being if you're not doing?� Actually, the Boss doesn't want us hanging around.� You know, idle hands are the devil's workship.� At least that's what they say.� Besides, there's far too much to do - mission after mission.��I'm not too partial to harp music anyway.� That's a little angel joke.�
In case you're wondering, I think that the capital letters at the beginning of His name are a bit annoying, but I suppose that He's earned it , being omniscient and all.� Besides, He insists upon it.
So back to angels. . . I suppose you think that we run around doing good deeds.� Most humans do.� It's a bit more complicated though.� I mean, if you think human life is complicated, you should try universal life.� It's like the difference between living in 3 dimensions and 24.� So while we may be helping on one front it's quite possible that it may cause problems elsewhere.� It's like trying to keep a 24 dimensional balloon in a 3 dimensional bag.� Very tough.�