I do it for ME!

May 2010
2:46 PM EDT

Starting off!

��I am starting off with an online journal because blogging seems way to complicating, and its just not really what i was looking for. The main reason why i wanted to find an online journal was because i wanted to start getting better at writing and expressing myself. my therapist said having a diary would be good for me, but i just dont feel comfortable keeping an actual diary in my room. ive had way to many experiences with my mom, brother, friends, boyfriends, finding them and reading them �and having everything leeked out.
�� I actually like the idea of people reading about my life as if its acutally interesting and relating and commenting me on it, without and relations towards them. I just want to express my emotions and the things that go throught my head on here. Hopefully it was work out the way I am wanting it to.



whitneyMM's Profile

  • Username: whitneyMM
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
    WHITNEYMM's Interests:

    Interests: Photography, music, flowers, people, beauty, love, and excitment!

    Favorite Movies: The Hangover, Forest Gump, Dazed and Confused, Marley and Me, Superbad

    Favorite Television: Don't really have time for TV.

    Favorite Books: A child called "it"