usrswthrt01's Journal

Jun 2007
1:17 PM CST

Secret Identity

When I'm around you I'm not me
When I'm around my friends I'm not me
When I'm around my family I'm not me
I have a secret identity.

My identity was lost thanks to you.
My identity will never again be true.

I hide behind the face of a mask
The smiling face thats such a hard task

There are parts of me some adore
There are also parts I hide what a chore

What if everyone could see that uglies of me
What if everyone knew the person I can never be!!!!!

Jun 2007
12:38 PM CST

I Am A Woman...

I am a woman that loves with all her heart

I am a woman that's silly and smart

I�am a woman with many open wounds

I am a woman that's still needs to be tuned

I am a woman that has much fear

I am a woman that still brings cheer

I am a woman that's still lost

I am a woman that know's the cost

I am a woman that's hurting inside

I am a woman that hides behind her foolish pride

I am a woman that can't look you in the eye

I am a woman alone that cries

I am a woman that's imprisoned with chains

I am a woman that holds her pain in vain

I am a woman, a mother,a friend

I am a woman someone you can depend

I am a woman of all this and more

I am a woman who will one day soar

What you see is all that is left to see

Just a woman that you can truly believe

1 comment(s) - 02:20 AM - 06/21/2007

usrswthrt01's Profile

  • Username: usrswthrt01
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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