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tracey52789's Journal
Jan 2008
9:39 AM EST
Love and Hate
Do you think its possible for you to love someone and hate them at the same time? Take my father for example, I can not stand him at all, his moods can be so out of wack its not even funny...but I think it bothers me because I love him so much. The truely shitty thing about it, I want to know who my mother married, and conceived me and my sister with. He definitely wasn't the man we call my father today. He used to be sweet and kind-hearted and thoughtful of my mom. Now he only cares about himself, and what HE wants. Nothing else matters to him. Its annoying. Anyways...I guess I will end this now. I think I am sitting in someone's spot because I normally don't sit in here. Bye for now.
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- 03:56 PM - 01/22/2008
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Gender / Age:
Female, 36
USA - Ohio
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TRACEY52789's Interests:
About Me:
My name is Tracey, I am 18 years old and I am a freshman in college. I have a wonderful boyfriend and great friends...and pretty much live a life that many people would want to live...until you get to know my home life. '
Photography, my boyfriend, my friends, scrapbooking, web design, motorcycles, girl stuff
Favorite Music:
Rock, R&B, Pop, and some Rap
Favorite Movies:
Chick flicks, action, and comedy.
Favorite Television:
Gilmore Girls, What I Like About You, and The Hills
Favorite Books:
The bible, Chicken Soup Books, and Mystery/Romantic Novels. (I dont read much anymore out side of school, but when I do those are the types I like)