ticklmeamy's Journal

Nov 2006
6:27 AM PST

I decided to start this journal so that I could have a place to write that would be all to myself. None of my friends could know about it and only the people who enjoy prying into others lives to see what they did last night would know. I plan to write a book in this journal, and see how it turns out. If you like it, good. If you don't, then that's your problem becuase chances are, this is my life. These are my thoughts. You don't live inside my head and aren't telling me what to do. I live off of my own standards and stand up for what I believe in.

ticklmeamy's Profile

  • Username: ticklmeamy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    TICKLMEAMY's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Amy and I am a freshman in high school. I live a seemingly normal and harmless life, but little does anyone know I am melting inside. I am dying to tell the world about the real me because the fake me doesn't cut it anymore. I want to discover my true self and see if it is accepted or rejected. I love to write about issues that the average person would keep hidden. I will tell you absolutely anything you want to know about me because I don't care if you judge me.

    Interests: I love to go to malls and hang out with friends. I would die if all movie theatres dissappeared. I love a good laugh and enjoy special moments with the people I love.

    Favorite Music: I am a huge fan of alternative because my firends got me hooked. I also enjoy contermporary Christian artists like Switchfoot.

    Favorite Movies: I see way too many movies to have a favorite. If it has a good plot line, then I like it. The one movie that I saw this summer that really moved me was Click. It had a great message despite all the sick humor.

    Favorite Television: I try not to watch too much television, but when I do, it is mostly game shows like Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionare with my mom. I love Full House and Gilmore Girls as well.

    Favorite Books: My two favorite books are Aimee and Speak. I don't like traditional books. I prefer books that might actually happen.