
Sep 2010
8:35 AM EDT

"how i wish to be at your side in times of your suffering." <3
Tags: ~sarah~

Sep 2010
8:18 AM EDT

expect the unexpected

it was my bday last friday, sept. 24, 2010, i was kinda shocked because a lot of people greeted me and texted me. :))) i also received a msgs. from my ex -crush. i'm a bit happy though. haha even my so called enemy greeted me. well, he's not that bad or what. i just consider him as my enemy even though it is not but i care for him as an enemy ooopsss i mean friend.. :)))) my family has a surprised for me and we watched scary movie :( too scary.. am very happy that day hope more birthdays to come. love you God.�

Sep 2010
8:06 AM EDT

my heart is aching :((

My heart is aching
My heart is aching. My heart is shuddering into pieces. It’s breaking. It takes decades to heal and fix but it leave scars that remind my body, soul, mind and heart that once in my life my heart almost give up, almost broken because my mind betrayed my heart. I pity for my heart. How I wish that my heart has its own mind. My system and my freaking hypothalamus are deceiving my mind. My heart is shouting for love and care.�My heart is aching

1 comment(s) - 02:57 PM - 09/27/2010

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  • Username: thart
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: Philippines
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    THART's Interests:

    About Me: ~nothing special~

    Interests: ~everything~ ~i love everything~ ~because of God~

    Favorite Music: ~Hillsong united~ ~a lot~

    Favorite Movies: ~a lot~

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    Favorite Books: i prefer manga :))) <3