tea's Journal

May 2008
10:24 PM EDT

Doesn't everyone pretend to be someone they are not at one time or another? Be it for a better paying job, social circle ora committed (or so called) relationship.

tea's Profile

  • Username: tea
  • Gender / Age: Female, 66
  • Location: USA - Texas
    TEA's Interests:

    About Me: Very young @48:) Recently relocated and feeling like a fish out of water.

    Interests: Reading, writing, astrology, scifi, music, plays, sporting events

    Favorite Music: Anything with a beat but kind of partial to hip hop

    Favorite Movies: Matrix, Constantine,Devil's Advocate, Saw

    Favorite Television: CSI's, Outer Limits, Law & Order, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond

    Favorite Books: Scarlet Letter, Thinner, A Kiss Before Dying