Dental school life

Jan 1985
5:48 AM EDT

Introduction to: It can happen to me, why not you ?

���� People always seem very skeptical when they know I’m in dental school. I noticed their disbelieve immediately after I tell them what I study. I even told my husband to keep a close look on people's� face when I tell them I’m a dental student, just so he can report to me later. At first , my husband was sure it was my imagination, but he came to realize that peoples expressions were a little off, not to say "shocked".

���� I always considered myself a hardworking person. �I was never an "A" student or a "B” student. I was more the "C" or "D" student. Not because I did not work hard. It was more the opposite to be sincere. I worked so hard; that it was hard to believe I was a C - D student. I came in terms with myself�“I was just not the brightest" I did not see anything wrong with that. Until, when people would call me names like “slow", "stupid" or " God I give up you won't get it". That is when i started to realize that maybe I was a little slower than pretty much everyone in my class.

���� Growing up in Brazil, I had many other things to worry about than school. I grow up with my�dad and grandmother. We were not a rich family; I matter fact my dad struggled to make the ends meet. My mother is American and my dad is Brazilian. I always wondered�what was my mom�thinking when left me in Brazil at the age of three. Now� that I am living here in the United States, I understand perfectly why she did what she did. My mom always want us to have what she never had a " family".

���� My mother left my sister, my brother and myself�the care of our grandmother. My brother was from her first marriage. Now my sister and I were from her second relationship� ... I really don't think I can call that marriage, since she was never married to my father.�

���� My mom left us at a very young age. I remember her vaguely when I was little. I fell like a lot of the emotional struggles I have today were a result of her leaving us. I never blamed her for what she had done. I think it was very brave of her to live all her kids in a search to better their lives. With that being said, I think if wasn't for her living us; I would never be able to get an education here in the states or ever have meet the love of my life. That is why I’m a true�believer that�there is always a reason for why God does what he does.

�� So, here I start the journey of a lifetime. Coming out a poor city from the north of Brazil and ���not know any English at all; At the age of seventeen, I left all I ever had, friends and family to come and live with a women that I� barely knew. I had to learn a new language; new culture, and� a new life.�


taioca's Profile

  • Username: taioca
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - Maryland
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    TAIOCA's Interests:

    About Me: Im a person that really love life. Im married , I m a second year dental student. I was born in Brasi. I moved from Houston to DC to go to dental school here. I fell i have a lot to experience yet and i decided to write it down for future reference.

    Interests: i love dancing "salsa" i don't do a lot of that anymore since i got into dental school