spinzncircles's Journal
Apr 2007
5:16 AM EDT
Joey and I once more....Its been 7 months now and me and joey are separated now its my fault i met someone who i thought was for me but come to find out he wasnt in that process i broke joey heart he isnt the type of person to show his feelings or emotions out to anyone but when i broke his heart he said fine walked off and walked past all of our friends...i thought he was just being the hard up that he usually is but no when he passed our friends he fell to his knees and started crying i broke his heart i crushed it and now it bleeds for me..i want to be with him but i fear he has given up on me and i dont want to lose him he is everything to me and i want everything with him everything ...family...house....kids a life you know i want to be happy with this boy for the rest of my life.
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Gender / Age:
Male, 37
USA - Oklahoma
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