sparklerainbow91's Journal

Oct 2006
9:40 AM PST

today was a good day. i had fun talking to my friends at school and stuff. i saw the guy i like hugging up on his gf, which made me so mad and sad at the same time. maybe he isnt the right guy for me. there is someone out there for everyone, even if its not now. there is, i just want to find my guy. :( well i think i should give up on him because he has a gf and he probably won't break up with her for me. one of my mom's friends asked us to take care of this sickly kitten. she found it and the pound only takes it if it weighs 3 pounds. it weighs nothing. it is skin and bones. it is so sick with all kinds of things wrong with it. of course knowing my mom, we will end up keeping it. she has a heart for sick and helpless animals. it is so weird though, cause as my sister and i were coming home, i was just saying how i hadn't found an animal yet. well that was pretty much my day nothing much. well until tomorrow, chow!

sparklerainbow91's Profile

  • Username: sparklerainbow91
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - California
    SPARKLERAINBOW91's Interests:

    About Me: Well, i am 15 year old and a freshman in highschool. I enjoy watching movies, hanging with friends, hanging with family, and whatever else is fun.

    Interests: I love animals and children. I like to talk on the phone and hang out with friends and family. I like to do adventurious stuff, but i also like to stay at home too.

    Favorite Music: I like really any music except for metal and some country. Other wise, i am open to anything.

    Favorite Movies: I am a movie fan. I love both the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Any comedy movies, some romatic movies. I am up for any movies, except for scary movies. I hate scary movies!

    Favorite Television: I am a huge television person. Whether it is watching shows, to movies to anything.

    Favorite Books: I am a book reader. I like to read books that take me out of my life and into another. I also like books that inform me of theings that I didn't know before.