solarplanet's Journal

May 2009
6:26 AM EDT

I miss u like shit. What do I do now?

Raj, I miss you so badly. My world is still stuck in the year 2008. How can I ever move on ? I am so scard. I am so scard like shit that you will leave one day.

I have not seen you for so long.I need my pride, so badly,and this is the only way for me to do it. Yet now six weeks have passed, and I feel like seeing you again. These six weeks have seemed eternal to me,isn't it?

I can imagine, maybe a year from now, you could be a father of someone's else child.You could be the husband of someone else. What aBOUT ME??�DO YOU EVER THINK OF ME? DO YOU EVEN MISS ME?

Have you totally left me?�I still think about those early days when we first met.You would do silly things to gain my attention, you were so sweet back then.Why didn't u continue and follow your hearT?�Raj, I need you.

please, call me. i ask for god to unite us. pls.

solarplanet's Profile

  • Username: solarplanet
  • Gender / Age: Female, 41
  • Location: USA - Arizona
    SOLARPLANET's Interests:

    About Me: As of Dec 2009, I'm beginning to explore the artistic side of me.I'm attending art school and learning to paint, just like what I learnt as a kid in school - I really miss those days. I love makeup, and I watch a lot of youtube videos on makeup. It's not a dumb thing okay? Make-up is really a form of art .

    Interests: Make-up , Art, watching youtube, checking out the latest stuff on hollywood celebs, reading good books, and i'm also into spiritual thingy.

    Favorite Music: From pop to country to new age.

    Favorite Movies: Twilight and Romeo & Juliet.

    Favorite Books: Too many, I can't decide on one.But if I were to recommend u, I would say : Unfinished Business- What the Dead can Teach Us About Life. It will drastically transform the way you view LIFE .