smb's Journal

Mar 2008
12:42 PM MST

I'm still Alive but MIA lately


this is going to be SHORT because I am super busy! I am trying to get wedding plans done and the invitations are giving me fits,,, finally got a nice one done on PrintShop and now it won't print and so I took it down town to the print shop and they can't even get it to print either!

So here's the lowdown, wedding date, April, 19th at Kampkinship above Deadwood SD and reception at the Deadwood VFW. ohhhh This is going to be crazy between now and then because I am crazy busy at work, trying to get several school dist. applications doneand SD state teaching certificate competed plus get the house ready to sell. I am really trying to NOT stress but easier said than done... and to top it all off I have some female issue going on!!! My Dr. thinks it is hormones out of wack but am NOT so sure.,.. It's borderline torturous!

OKay, gotta go write an email telling everyone to "save the date" and then get busy on the invitations.

I LOVE CORY and can't wait to be his wife.

PS, we are still not "doing it" We are serious about saving it for when we are married. God wasn't so proud but He is happy that we've decided to finally see things His way. Jesus died for our sins and I am so glad we can make it right with Him!

1 comment(s) - 08:35 AM - 03/16/2008

smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming