smb's Journal

Jan 2008
3:50 PM MST

HUM! Another day in a daze! BUT I survived! I am tired!

Today I went to the Rec, worked out and talked to Darla for over 2 hours! It was good though... We discussed lots of stuff....our "looking older" needing botox and velasmooth, our naughty kids, our workout, CN and my issues, how about burned the house down and we both discovered we both have anger managment issues! I said we should go to a Anger support group.

Last night I searched the net about my symptoms of losing my temper and it all stemmed from Anger Managment. At first I thought, "I'm not angery, what would I have to be angry about?" But then I thought about it and my "raging fits" started when I had to start dealing with DB and his addiction,,, then got worse when he died,,, so I could be and still be MAD at him. THEN the website said people like me (and it described me to a tee) get mad at anything when it does go their way,,, I do expect everything to go my way or I get pissed! SO, I realize I have issues and hopefully I am figuring it out and how to deal with it.

Then we went to Jill's with lunch and to have a play date with Trevor. That was nice. Jill always has advice and was good to talk to.... she understands about my anger issue and always make my L and L refreshed when I leave her house. THANK YOU GOD FOR MY FRIENDS!

I miss Cory to night again,,, we texted but STILL haven't talked since Monday 12-31 I guess that hasn't even been a week but I haven't went this LONG without talking to him since I've known him which is about 17 months~ I miss him but maybe I will start realizing that I need to get my poop in a group before I try to go back to him! I don't even know if he will still be avaliable (or even want me back) when I am ready to give it another try! I guess that is the chance I have to take at this point.

O was SUPER naughty ALLLLL day! I guess he just had an off day but it really tested my patience today! I did BETTER but not perfect! I didn't hit him but did yell. Jett had his birthday party/sleepover tonight! They ( two extra boys, 4 total) were CRAZY at first, lots of running and screaming but I think that helped them to go to get tired out. I put them in Bed at 9:45 and they finally went to sleep at 10:20,,, which I think isn't too bad!

Well, I bet they will get up early so I better get to bed myself!

THANK YOU GOD for your Son Jesus!With You, all things are possible!

smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming