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smb's Journal
Jul 2007
2:13 PM MST
We have been staying at CN's this week so the boys could attend VBS at CountySide community! I am so hot and tired. They boys (specially Otto) have been very ... locked Sadie in the bedroom so the Landlord had to come let her out... and not sure if he did it but someone pulled the fire alarm at the church Wed. and yeah!!! First he said he did it, then they said he didn't.. I don't know if he was just trying to get attention. The lady at the church said he didn't do it but she really didn't know for sure! The boys don't nap good here! and don't go to sleep at night so I am pooped! Also, this rental is so hot with no AC!
We looked at houses last night! The ones in our price range were NASTY and then we looked at 2 that were okay but about 40,000 more than wewanted tospend. It made me realize I just don't want to get involved in that!CN was going to pay2/3rds and I would pay 1/3rd.... but he couldn't make the entire payment without me! Therefore, that would make mefeelobligated to stay with him for the stupid house instead of for the right reasons! I don't need extra debt if hecan't pay for it by himself! This is bad of me to say but I don't want a man that can't be self-suffcient with his financial situation! I feel like I could be used in that situation if I;m not careful!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 50
USA - Wyoming
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