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smb's Journal
May 2007
5:14 AM MST
I was pretty tried when I got back last night but I cooked pancakes and eggs for dinner, CK. stayed and hung out which I really like when she does that, it makes her feel more apart of the family instead of "just the babysitter" She is such a good girl and I am so proud of her!
Church today was okay but again I am so tired that I about fell asleep! Ang was there and that was nice to see her. Her son is graduating today and so she was all emotional! I was in the nursery and so it wasn't all that great. O joined Jett in sunday school today and appartently did well.
I am so tired I will probably lay down for awhile!
Next week is going to be crazy, I have to get my camper ready and spend LOTS of $ for stuff to put in it! like, paper products, sheets, matress pads, rugs, pillows, blankets! etc!!! WOW! LOTS Of stuff! I might be overwhelmed getting it full of water and hooked up and all that! It might be an ordeal getting it out to the lake and set up! this first time could be crazy! but I am still excited to "live in it" at the lake!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 50
USA - Wyoming
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