smb's Journal

May 2007
5:12 AM MST

CN is headed to TX until Sunday the 2oth for a Four wheeler training class! I am going to miss him. SO, that means we won't see him for two weeks. We will miss him.
THe boys have really been trying me! Oakley scratched the side of my pickup last week! REALLY BAD! He's had one major issue after another, In the past three weeks or so: scratched the side of my pickup, stole from Jane, scraped his nose on her carpet so bad he ripped the skin off, got covered in mud twice, broke his crocs and numerous other things! I've about had it! When Oakley started being so bad, Jett has been better!
The Dork painters have been trying to paint my house. THey are pretty special, they have a different excuse almost everday as to why they didn't get enough done or couldn't come! AGH! I just want them to be done and it better look good, I'm kinda pickey!
There is major construction going on in our school so work is very hectic. I am tried of hearing saws and bobcats and chainsaws and all kinds of loud stuff. Needless to say, it isn't a very good learning environment. My students aren't doing too much as far as "real worK' We are all just ready for the end of the year!

smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming