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smb's Journal
May 2007
4:36 AM MST
Happy Mother's Day to me! Friday the 11th I came over to Spearfish, dropped the boys off with J and S and then spent the evening with CN, Nothing special. We went out to dinner and the whole time I kept saying how I wished we could feel the special love we felt when we were first together. Actually all weekend I just felt like I was "just there" oh well, I am the invisible woman! Sat, we went to Rapid, got my camper! OH MY! TOO Much to know and remember! I am scared to take it out! THen we meet San with the boys at the mall and was able to get their pics taken. They all turned out so good that I ended up spending like almost 200.00! BUT- I am very happy they turned out so well! THen Austin stayed the night sat at CN's with us and all day Sunday, I was a mommy of "three" for mothers day. We (me and the three boys) meet the inlaws in Beula for dinner! It was okay. I dropped the camper off at my inlaws in moorcroft so I didn't have to park it in the dark! T and C will drop it off in my driveway tomorrow on their way to her chemo. I really like my new camper but I got 7 Miles to the gallon, so my pickup doesn't really like it! YIKES! I guess I just won't be hauling it as much as I thought! AGH! I need to get it all packed and ready to go and then I will haul it out the week before memorial day to get a spot!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 50
USA - Wyoming
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