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smb's Journal
Apr 2007
11:07 AM MST
I am at CN's house waiting for someone to show up for the body shop party! I don't know if anyone will come. I think 1 girl (Tracey) will but that might be it! I hope a few more come to make it worth kicking the boys out of the house. CN took them to the movies! I hope they are being good. I told him to call me if I need to come get one of them!
I have really felt like crap today and yesterday. I started with a sore throat Fri morning and now my throat still hurts and my chest, nose and ears just feel "full" of crap! I've been taking musinex and motrin, GOOD thing I guess, hate to see how I'd feel if I didn't take anything.
Jett has been a so up and down with his emotions. I am afraid I am raising an ED boy! I guess I just know too much! He can be so happy and then when things don't go his way he just has a meltdown! I would say I am doing a much better job of parenting compared to 6-9 months ago! BUT I still "lose it" from time to time, I know I need to be a better LandL parent but man the boys really wear me down! Otto can be so tough too! He is constantly breaking something, making a mess or just plain disobeying me! I REALLY hope they are being good for Cory! LIttle STINKerS!
CN and I discussed him buying a house, I would give him 300.00 a month to contribute and we would "just live in both houses" for the next year or so! I am committed to my job and am not ready to leave Gillette but I also LOVE it here in Spearfish too and I hate CN having to rent! and I hate the house he rents! IT's a shithole! At least if he got a fixer-upper he could put some time and $ into it when he had time as an investment! I'm really impressed that he can do "fixer up things" so effeciently. He is a very neat and tidy guy who would make a "new" house look very nice!
Okay, it's SEVEN and NO ONE is here yet! Imagine that!
oh well, I guess I get drunk on strawberry daquaris and go to bed!
I'm going to write CN and love note to let him know how much I appreciate him! He is a wonderful guy.
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Female, 50
USA - Wyoming
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