smb's Journal

Mar 2007
1:57 PM MST

HERE's what CN wrote to me tonight from Mexico:

hey baby how are you? This is an amazing journey i am on, and the guys are all wonderful! We do something unique at every meal. Along with praying after our meal the host of our meal gives their testimony about how they came to know God, then they pick one of us to speak ours. I did mine last night. it´s really cool and encouraging to hear everyones story. Different times and places in their lives when God came to them. I feel different in a way because i was so much older than the others when it happened to me, but hey that is minor to the big picture! i really miss you guys!!!! I keep thinking if i had never met you i probably wouldn´t have this opportunity. Thank you honey!!!
Actually the work is hard but the day is not that long. They do things just a little different here, as far as working hrs. We don´t get up and eat breakfast until 9, well i´m actually up at 730. By the time we get to the church it´s 10, then we work until 2 or 3 and go have lunch then we are done for the day. We were told to bring flexibility and that is what i have done. it is their way of doing things, it would be and insult if we told them how to do it differently or more productive. it´s kind of hard for me to not try to play a leardership role, but in a way im kinda trying with the younger guys. just because i kinda know how some things should be done and just try to keep them busy and make them all feel important. Everyone is doing great and getting along well, other than a few snorers in the group, i guess i´m one, but not as bad as some!! The people down here are very polite, but i don´t exactly know everything they are saying. Where we ate lunch today was a very small house and they had two little boys. The littlest boy came running up to me when we got there and wanted me to hold him. When we got in the house he grabbed my finger and said, "Kiko" which was their little puppy he wanted to show me, it was really cute!! They are all so happy to see us and blessed to have us in their homes. They are very happy with just the minimums and proud of what they have! We should be blessed to know that God as our shepard will never let us wander and that he will always lead us his sheep to greener pastures!! I love you honey and thank you for being so wonderfull and opening my heart and eyes!! Tell the boys i love em and miss em!! Take care and will talk to ya soon!!

smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming