smb's Journal

Mar 2007
1:23 PM MST

Yesterday we went to Sundance to look at a coffee shop for sale. It was so cute and looked like "fun" but I can't see myself actually moving to Sundance and working my butt off for (I'm certain) a huge cut in pay! CN came over and looked at the place with me and my brother. It was fun, THen the boys and I and CN went to Rapid City. We are staying at the Ramkoda with an indoor mini pirate shop theme water park for little kids. We went to dinner at Olive Garden and 1 glass a wine and mommy was "tipsy" The boys were good and we had a great time. We SWAM for 2 hours after dinner,took a snack break back in the room and then another45 min.Heading to bed will swim more tomorrow morning, then go eat at Fudruckers and then go shopping! VICTORIA's Secret here I come! Cn and I are getting along great! I'm happy with him!

smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming