silentheart's Journal

Feb 2015
8:05 PM


I am grateful for my husband, my job, my house, my son, my 3 grandsons, my creativity, and especially my Heavenly Father
1 comment(s) - 06:18 AM - 03/24/2015

Jun 2012
8:11 PM

Love is focusing on someone else more than you focus on yourself.

May 2012
2:41 AM


I give my attention, my support, my caring.

May 2012
9:01 PM

Tough few months

Last Oct I lost my daughter. I have basically been moving on remote control. I did find a job March of this year. Christmas was hard without my daughter, her birthday was a little easier, but Mother's Day I fell apart

Nov 2009
6:48 AM CDT

Safe in the Father's arms

It's not in seeing thru fear, but lying in the Heavenly Father's arms and feeling His love surround you that keeps you safe from fear.

May 2009
6:43 AM CDT

Wind Mill

Heavenly Father, as the days bring me closer to my last day at work, give me the courage to build a strong windmill to power my strengths as I seek a new job

Sep 2008
7:05 AM CDT

I need to find time for my Heavenly Father first, before I start my day and get busy with chores and my job. I spend too much time in front of the tv, when I need to be spending that time reading my Bible and talking with my Father

Aug 2008
5:51 AM CDT

not luck

I don't believe in luck. I believe in destiny & the favor of my Heavenly Father

Aug 2008
9:55 PM CDT

my life

if I knew I could not fail, I would like to quit my job, write the book I want to write, visit Australia & Hawaii, and spend time making afghans for children in the hospital

Aug 2008
6:06 AM CDT

Leaving my texan

My finest moment was when I finally listened to the voice of God and walked away from a bad relationship. All the time I was packing and getting ready to move from VA to TX, I kept hearing "Why are you settling for 2nd best?" and I would start giving a list. He flew to VA, loaded my stuff on a U-Haul and away to TX I went. 2 months later, I was bored and decided to go swimming. After about 10 min, I was alone in the pool. I audibly heard "Why are you settling for 2nd best when I want to give you My very best?" The only answer I could give was "I don't know." God and I had a good long talk in the pool, then I went back to our apt. and gave him back his ring. Soon after, I moved out. Now I am in a wonderful relationship with a terrific man that God chose for me.

Aug 2008
6:13 AM CDT


I have been spending my travel time to work (35-40 min) thanking & praising my Heavenly Father and I'm finding that my day is calmer, peaceful, less stressful. I find myself humming praise songs while I sit at my workstation & my contact with customers is better.
Tags: thankful
2 comment(s) - 01:35 PM - 08/08/2008

Jun 2008
10:50 AM CDT

seek joy!

Happiness is a choice we make, not an emotion that rules us; yet joy is to be desired much more than happiness. Joy remains with you, while happiness flits by like a moth we try to catch and keep in a jar; kept too long and it dies. Seek joy!

May 2007
8:51 AM CDT

You will never find the perfect person, for there is no perfect person. Yet, if you will allow the Heavenly Father to find your soulmate, He will send that parson into your life. I know because He did it for me.
1 comment(s) - 04:58 PM - 05/15/2007

Feb 2007
8:51 AM CDT

I have learned to allow God to show me who I am in Him. He is the only One whom I need acceptance from. As His child, I am an overcomer and I will walk with the confidence that He is leading every step of the way

Nov 2006
9:53 AM CDT

fear has a way of immobilizing us, keeping us from moving forward. When we can see through the fear to the fulfillment of our goals, our dreams, fear has no control fear is a good thing when it comes to our safety.we must not let fear keep us from seeing our dreams, our desires, our goals, come to fruition

Jul 2006
10:34 PM CST

when you can look back at the things that you are grateful for, and they remind you each time you read them how much your Heavenly Father loves you and how much He wants to bless you, then you find yourself feeling satisfied

Jul 2006
3:25 PM CST

You must know who you are and who/what you want to be. You can't let others decide for you who/what you are or should be. Look inside yourself, talk to your inner child and your mature self and ask them about your life and your dreams. Then make plans to follow those dreams. Anyone who tells you you cannot achieve those dreams should be removed/minimized from your life. Surround yourself with those who say YOU CAN DO IT!

Jul 2006
3:56 PM CST

Boy, does that quote hit home. I have returned my fiancee's ring and, as soon as I get enuf money, I will be moving out of his apt. i can't focus on what could have been and hope to reconcile. I can only move forward with my life and my dreams, knowing my Heavenly Father will keep me on my course

Jul 2006
5:22 PM CST

how could one accomplish this - - to love the one through whom I became unhappy. It would take courage, strength, and forgiveness to achieve this. Perfect love comes only by allowing the Heavenly Father to love through me.

Jul 2006
6:14 PM CST

time -- an interesting word; we judge our lives by time - work time, playtime, me time, no time. we need to throw away our clocks and watches. use time to talk with a friend or loved one, to sit and watch the clouds roll by, to play with your grandchild or your pet. Don't let time rob you of your life. Make time your slave; don't be a slave to time.

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silentheart's Profile

  • Username: silentheart
  • Gender / Age: Female, 69
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    SILENTHEART's Interests:

    About Me: I am Nana to three grandsons, my newest grandson was born on Oct 1, 2007

    Interests: journaling, crochet, my Shih Tzu dog Piper

    Favorite Music: classical, country, gospel

    Favorite Movies: Schlinder's List

    Favorite Television: CSI, Touched by an Angel, Jack Van Impe

    Favorite Books: the Bible, all Dee Henderson books