shem's Journal
Aug 2007
11:15 PM EDT
Drug or greatest natural resource known to man
In our world today we have many problems, most of which we decide not to take in to consideration. What are our man concerns? Global warming, alternative energy and a way to save our forest all over the world? Isn't that some of the great concerns. Often times your network report in vain about it. The solution might be simpler than you think. Now before I bring forth my idea, I just want to say that I hope this is taken seriously. I say that to that as a member of the next generation, these things all will affect us dramatically. Now my solution. Cannabis. Before you decide that this just a pothead trying for the legalization of Marijuana hear me out. Studies have been finding that this plant can be very useful. Matter of fact, if we look back we can see the positive influence it can have. From 1850 with this plant being the main crop of most states, that should be a sort of indicator. It can be made into paper, textiles, linen, clothing, plastics and biomass. What does this mean? For our forest, we could help save trees because the Hemp plant grows faster that a tree and it is known that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of tree. This alone sounds like a good thing there is more. The oil from the plant can be made into plastic that is biodegradable. I do not know about you, but with this being able to be done, I would rather that to be able to help with this trash problem. A well known fact is that people use in for medical reasons which is pretty much self explanatory. The final is the ability for it to create an alternative fuel. The four things I listed are just a few this plant can offer. I am an 18 year High School Graduate who is about to start college. My concern for the future is heart felt because at this rate it looks very dull. Now you are probably thinking about why am I telling you guys this. The reason is to help bring about awareness. I do believe if looked into this would be a great help. As I said before, I am just a High School Graduate, I got my info from a very informative we site which is (
For the future please help with this. I surely hope that this does not see eyes that see straight pass these words as foolishness. The law that made Marijuana illegal was passed in the 1930's was passed because of the major industries like Alcohol and Tobacco team up to take down this miracle plant. This is a great injustice to the people who will in the future suffer from it. Please look into. Besides it can make a great story when it takes on.
Shemroy Charles
The wonder plant
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I am a very ambitious person who really wants to make a difference in this world.
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Lucky Number Sleven, 300, Running Scared
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All Hardy Boy