This year being new ,I want to make sure that I find a way to make myself a newer me ...this year hasnt started off really great . I couldn't work cause I had a bad backache plus a cold so I called into work so that makes it the second time only since i had to call in sick to work . Its okay I hope my co-worker shows up to work so I dont have to have too much frieght to come back to work when I return . you see I work overnight stocker for a supercenter Wal-Mart so there is usually a heck of alot of work to get done . I find it funny that when I'm working how many people come into the job to do their shopping ... I'm a people watcher and a daydreamer .. so watching and listening to people that pass me by ... I try to figure out things .. like why they are out and the relationship between the people ..It's weird how many people show up in the middle of the night... or really early in the morning. All of this makes my job go by faster in a way .... lets see after midnight I notice is when the persons of alternative lifestyle comes in to do some shopping .. and the really overweight people ... I don't know whether I like that idea. That you would feel more safer shopping in the middle of the night just because you are overweight .. they usually rolling around in the electric chair instead of walking .. for a little exercise .. but hey thats their choice. I'm just thinking outloud .. but hey I hate being in the store when its busy cause you can have a heart-attack , trying to get someone to move out of your way for just a moment. some people take it as a personal attack if you ask them just to move out of the way so you can get by.. I wonder how bad their lives maybe be that they have to take everything to heart ...I guess if you work in retail you understand my rant.. but then to flip the coin.. their are those people that can give you a laugh when you talk to them .And those make it great for a few minutes .. I guess my biggest pet peeve are the customers that dont care� about your feelings and take out their bad days on you .. and rant and rave and give you a hard time because something they wanted to buy isnt on the shelf even if its not in your department .....