scarlett's Journal

Jan 2008
5:05 PM EDT

well. connor visited. i can't really talk about it yet. sweet and painful and altogether indescribeable. Back to life and classes. everything is the way it was...just different work and somew new people and some old memories recently turned and brought to the surface like soil. bumper crop, this year? who knows...
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scarlett's Profile

  • Username: scarlett
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: Bahamas
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    SCARLETT's Interests:

    About Me: Bahamian. Boarding School in CT. Davidson College.

    Interests: theatre. bio. books.

    Favorite Music: Anything.

    Favorite Movies: Requiem for a Dream. The Prestige.

    Favorite Television: L Word. The Big Bang Theory. Family Guy. Elfen Lied.

    Favorite Books: Everything.