scarlett's Journal

Dec 2007
11:52 PM EDT much has happened. and nothing at all really. In the course of my life, I will not remember the lastmonth or soat all. It will not be momentous and yet, right now, it seems unfathomably meaningful. I love this school.I love my friends and I am starting to love myself a little more. I have Felix following me around...but no other relationship news so far.Well...I helped a friend hook up with the guy that I desperately want. I am the worst kind of masochist. But if I made someone else happy, when I can make my own happiness...then I did something good as far as I am concerned. Two exams to freedom. I am....very, very ill. I thought I was going to die earlier today. I couldn't breathe, my muscles were spasming so I couldnt move or call anyone. Thankfully, I had taken some meds before it got really bad so they took effect part way through the misery. I just have to make sure that they are always on hand if I want to be even close to functional. Typing hurts so I'm going to bed...and sleeping forever...
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scarlett's Profile

  • Username: scarlett
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: Bahamas
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    SCARLETT's Interests:

    About Me: Bahamian. Boarding School in CT. Davidson College.

    Interests: theatre. bio. books.

    Favorite Music: Anything.

    Favorite Movies: Requiem for a Dream. The Prestige.

    Favorite Television: L Word. The Big Bang Theory. Family Guy. Elfen Lied.

    Favorite Books: Everything.