scarlett's Journal
Oct 2007
6:59 AM EDT
*stumbles around in the dark* no...8:30 is too early for class. even the sun decided it was too lazy to come out today. took one peek, said "eff that" and then went back to sleep. *trips over fallen teddy bear* ow. damn...i mean...why? why did i pick ALL 8:30s ?? i realize that i am a legit masochist but this...this is just beyond what i thought i was capable of doing to myself! *knocks over trashcan, unknown liquid spills across foot* damn damn damn! but at least i got a B on that god-forsaken paper! I'm really starting to hate that class but I like the people in it at the very least. and we're halfway through to the end! *slams head into top bunk and falls over into dramatic fetal position even though no one is watching* and theatre is great...time consuming but i feel at home backstage...ridiculous costumes and fake blood aside. *scrambles into clothes and ends with my head in a pant leg*...oh! and did i mention that my hair is black now? ha! the box of dye lies ><'s not all bad...but still...eww...not a good look for me. i feel emoish...but bad emoish. *finally manages to get dressed and groomed and, furthermore, is able to avoid the puddle of unknown liquid on the floor.* now if things could just stay on an upward tilt...and my extension on my next paper goes through...things are really looking up for me!*proudly strides out of the room, chin held high!*.........*comes running back!* heh....forgot my book bag!...even if things don't go as planned...i guess i'll just have to work it out as we go along! *shuffles out, whistling*
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Female, 36
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Bahamian. Boarding School in CT. Davidson College.
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Requiem for a Dream. The Prestige.
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L Word. The Big Bang Theory. Family Guy. Elfen Lied.
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