scarlett's Journal

Oct 2007
4:12 AM EDT

so...I don't really know how it happened...*slash*...i made it happen(?). anyway, i'm going to see connor on friday. umm....20 hours on a bus there and back. what the hell am i thinking? i should bite the bullet and fly but it's too damn expensive. oh well; i'll get my homework done?
i currently despise school. i just can't write these papers anymore. They are so ridiculous. I /want/ to write the next paper but not this one. I'll just get a bad grade and move on. I mean, what else can I do? Stupid question...I could work a loooot harder. Maybe that's what I'll do. i just noticed that capital letters snuck back into my entry. i was shunning them in the name of bad grammar. sneaky little buggers.

PS i am /always/ tired.
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scarlett's Profile

  • Username: scarlett
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: Bahamas
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    SCARLETT's Interests:

    About Me: Bahamian. Boarding School in CT. Davidson College.

    Interests: theatre. bio. books.

    Favorite Music: Anything.

    Favorite Movies: Requiem for a Dream. The Prestige.

    Favorite Television: L Word. The Big Bang Theory. Family Guy. Elfen Lied.

    Favorite Books: Everything.