scarlett's Journal

Jul 2007
11:12 AM EDT

Happy Late Independence Day!!! to any bahamians out there (? o.O ?) Woooo! Party last night....i would liek to say that it was wild but...not so much...i was the only one wearing black, blue and yellow. pfft....oh well. it was with an american family and an english family. fun though...ate s'mores and i avoided the guava duff. i don't care if it's scares me.
going to the big harry potter thing tonight! :D I am so excited but's going to be PACKED!...oh well! harry *swoon*, hermione *swoon* .....just *swoon/faint* mmmmkay, enough insanity for now. bye! kisses!

scarlett's Profile

  • Username: scarlett
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: Bahamas
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    SCARLETT's Interests:

    About Me: Bahamian. Boarding School in CT. Davidson College.

    Interests: theatre. bio. books.

    Favorite Music: Anything.

    Favorite Movies: Requiem for a Dream. The Prestige.

    Favorite Television: L Word. The Big Bang Theory. Family Guy. Elfen Lied.

    Favorite Books: Everything.