sb7's Journal
Sep 2006
12:20 AM EDT
Today, i was told that my fiancee was talknig to one of his friends from work about apartments that he lives in , and talked to him about geting info about those appartments , I wasnt even talked to first > shouldnt i have been talk to first if we both are going to be living there ?
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Gender / Age:
Female, 37
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SB7's Interests:
About Me:
I am a 17 year old female , I am 18 in november and i am ingaged to a wonderful man from florida.
i love singing , dancing , writeing my own poems , listening to music , watching football ,and anything that has to do with suped up cars !
Favorite Music:
anything that i can sing 2 .
Favorite Movies:
Anything with fast cars , The grudge , white noise , and ect.
Favorite Television:
Anything that looks interesting .
Favorite Books:
Anything By: Kim Harrison.. she is awsome. It isnt the gray hairs that bother me , Its the flamming bunnys from hell. By: kim harrison