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sazzy77's Journal
Aug 2008
10:57 PM EDT
Last week my parents rode n 2 town on my dads new Vulcan Nomad Bike 2 visit,I got them a nice room @ my new "home" b/c I got it like that !& we walk 2 Irenes an excellent restaurant in the French Quarter ,were waiting in the lounge ,alls going well until ,I thought they knew about my lil sis "expecting",oopps! my mom was like no she's not ,& I was like yes she is , & I knew imediately my dad was very happy (silently )2 have a new grandbaby on the way but my mom was mad b/c ,My lil sis isn't ? well I don't really know why she was mad b/c as usuall the jeopardy themes song plays in my head & I can't stop it ,as I try 2 think of an answer 2 end the argueing ,(always impossible ) I hate verbal arguements ,If I had 2 choice between a verbal or physical confrontation ,I'll take a beating anyday over listening 2 her ,blah blah blah blah blah bhlah blah ,yak yak yak yak yak yak yak , I don't know what 2 do to make communication more effective , Oh & I wanted 2 say ,at least my sis 1 son's father is somewhat involved in his life b/c my godbaby doesn't have a daddy @ all ! Material goods are unimportant they can't buy a fathers attention ,so stop whineing about how little finacial support my baby nephews daddy provides & stop worrying about the new babys daddy lack of support b/c he's good people ,SHE EVENTUALLY GOT OVER HER MADNESS ,my older sis sent text via arkansas saying mom was sorry but ,I already knew ,& I knew 2 break the news in New ORLEANS BECAUSE SHE COULD BITCH AT ME & HAVE A NICE LONG BIKE RIDE 2 COOL OFF ....i DIDN'T mind taking the wrath 4 my lil sis , both my sis has taken much wrath 4 my badass!lol..
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Aug 2008
8:47 AM EDT
What do I expect of others?
What do I expect of others? I expect others to support me in my decisions despite social standards & norm , I expect them to hold back any mean comments , opinions ,demeaning remarks they have 2 say or feel about me or my situation.
What do I expect of others?
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What do I expect of others?
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Jul 2008
2:13 AM EDT
Acceptance of others
Hmm. Thats a preetty good question , my imediate reaction is no , I don't ,but then I think of all the things I've done ,went along with , attending movies I didn't like ,or going places others wanted to go was that a way of seeking acceptance of others or was it bordom , These days I don't really know anyone , My friends don't exist , my co-workers , well we're trained & brained washed 2 hate each other ,, seriously , we are competing ,however I'm friendly & can go in anywhere & come out with everyones contact info as well as whatever else I need or want , just because I'm a natural born Hustler ,& all I 've ever had 2 get by was charm ,so acceptance for what I guess I don't really understand the question ?
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Jul 2008
11:37 PM EDT
insights 2 life `
I give hope & meaning 2 lifes big questions , & , tough situations boost confidence & help people be strong & brave , 2 be unafraid 2 face any challenges or insecuritys ,, I also bring a lite hearted approach & humorous views ,, take the edge of harsh realitys & provide a lilttle insight of lifes meanings & signs , clues 2 their puzzels .,also living off the land & not wasting .
puzzle pieces
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Jul 2008
11:27 PM EDT
IM happy about all those years I spent on the power packed puppet team where as bac then I was embarased & kept it a secret 2 my school mates , but @ church was fun ,plus I had been doing puppets 1 year b4 joining the team , we went 2 state championships 2 & regional finals 1 , it was hard work but fun .
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Female, 46
USA - Louisiana
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