
Jan 2010
10:30 PM GMT

I didn't realise I could actually dislike someone as much I dislike someone right now. I choose the word dislike because hate is a strong word, and when I'm angry and I actually hate this person very much. Why can life never be simple for me?

2 comment(s) - 06:26 PM - 02/14/2010

sandeep's Profile

  • Username: sandeep
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: United Kingdom
    SANDEEP's Interests:

    About Me: quiet... not that quiet, says it how it is (depending on who you are), honest (somes too honest), trustworthy?? lol (I am really)

    Favorite Music: indian,english,latin, punjabi. I can actually listen to anything except rap, I don't really like that.

    Favorite Movies: theres something about mary,identity, forest gump, moulin rouge, faceoff, matrix, god father, something about steve, inglorious bastards, kill bill, braveheart, and loads more.

    Favorite Television: eastenders, abit of all soaps. Dispatches.

    Favorite Books: the undomestic goddess, angles and demons, shopaholic and baby, divas las vegas football factory, the da vinci code.