rkschoolofendoskills's Journal

Mar 2023
11:49 PM IST

Laparoscopy Benefits and Significance in Gynecology - R K School of Endoskills

Gynecological Laparoscopy gained significance with the growth of modernization and is prevalent and popular in gynecology.�Laparoscopy gained significance with the growth of civilizations, modernization, and development and is prevalent and popular in gynecology.

rkschoolofendoskills's Profile

  • Username: rkschoolofendoskills
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: India
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    About Me: We are a group of surgeons who decided to impart the skill set we acquired over the course of clinical practice, through senior expert guidance and to some extent through our own trials and mistakes, to those new to the field of laparoscopy, regardless of where they stand when they approach us with the urge to learn.

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