redshotlizard's Journal

Jan 2010
3:58 PM HNT

Good things Happen when you care about taking action to help them happen!

�This quote is totally true. I went through a lot of ups and downs this past year. I had so much going for me and ironically, at the same time, so litle going for me. I had a dead end job with so little hours that I could barely afford to pay for my phone.

�I remembered getting sick a year ago (my illness took a big affect on me)�and having to leave my previous job that gave good hours and good pay. That was such a bummer on my part. I had crazy litle incidents that scared me from myself because of my illness. I thought things could not get worse and then I discovered that my grandpa is dieing. Things were very rough and my road was rocky. But, even though I was going through a hard time, I was doing everything in my power to help my situation. I took action a few ways. I applied everywhere I could find that was hiring. I went to job fairs. I even looked online. At times I almost lost hope because I wasn't getting interviews and I wasn't getting where I wanted to be. As time went on I started to get more and more hopeless.

�Lets rewind a little.. I started dating this boy, his name is Kevin, in April. Through my hardship he stood by me and gave me advice and told me to keeping pushing on and never give up. I took his advice and didn't give up. One day, actually a couple days ago, I got a call for an interview at a Theater. The guy that called me, the manager, was really nice on the phone. I was so excited and went to the interview. At the interview I was very confident and happy. I seemed to be of liking to this place because days later I was asked to come work for them. I was all smiles and jumping for joy. I got a job and realized that determination does pay off. My boyfriend helped me realize that I can do anything I put my mind into. He stood by me while I was going through some rough times.

�The job issue wasn't the only concern that I handled. I was also dealing with my illness. I have a Depression Disorder that is one level below being diagnosed as Bipolar. So I really don't see things as a normal person would. I deal with things differently and situations that may seem like no big deal are actually a huge deal to me. THis is a mental disorder that is hard to live with and I been on many different kinds of medication for it. I also tried no medication but my doctor reccommended me to go on meds because I didn't feel good and my condition got out of hand many times. Throughout all the concerns II delt with over the years, I had determination to make the best of the situations. Handling these situations were not easy but I didn't give up. My doctor found some medication that helps me function and I check in with him whenever something goes wrong. And I found a job that helps me pay for the things I need. Additionally I found out that my boyfriend will go to the end of the world for me just to make sure that I am not just alright but wonderful. I didn't give up on me and my boyfriend didn't give up on me. My boyfriend really loves me and I really love him too. :) I thank God that He helped me though my hard times, when I think I'm all alone and no one is there for me, God shows me otherwise. I am so Blessed. The sweet thing is.. my boyfriend has faith in me and knows I can do great things. He says I amaze him. Sometimes I amaze myself with all the things I discover I can do. It's great to know someone is on my side and supports me. Just know this: If I didn't care a whole lot, nothing would have gotten better. For the fact I cared about helping to beter my situation and taking action, things got better.

�Thank you to God for putting people like Kevin in my life. It is literally a miricle what you show me and teach me. I know you put me down this hard path to teach me a lesson and I have learned a lot of valuable lessons. I'm grateful for all I have and all the work you do in my life. I give you all the honor..ttyl soon <3 P.S. to top it off my totally sweet boyfriend surprised me with a rose this afternoon. I love his surprises, he is such an amazing guy. --{--@ Elizabeth

1 comment(s) - 11:43 AM - 03/20/2010
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redshotlizard's Profile

  • Username: redshotlizard
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA
    REDSHOTLIZARD's Interests:

    About Me: I love to read and write. I love to sing and I love to run. I love someone and hope to eventually get him to love me 2. I love you :)