Today is going okay so far...Im setting in my economics class bored to death missing my man. I still have about 34 minutes to kill until class change, and I really wish this day would hurry and end, altho, it sucks because its friday and I wont get to see him for the next two days...I dont usually write journals on here, I have had this for a while but never done anything with it. lol I dont think many poeple will be reading anything on here anyways. but its something to do, I have parents who dont know how to make there own journals to read, so they read mine, so I guess internet journals are really a last resort. Something to do though.Im E-mailing my cuz, and was writing the boyfriend, but time is still going by just as slow. I just cant wait till this class ends. I am really have withdraws from the boyfriend and miss him bad..
�I never thought� I would feel this way about someone like this. This guy has me thinking about him constatly thinking about him, I know he actually likes me back, hes my best friend, and hes my life. I know that he feels the same, and knowing that keeps me smiling thorughout the day. I have never been happyer then I am now. I want to be with this boy forever. I know girls in highschool say that all the time, and when it comes down to it, they can get over the guy in a week- This is diffrent...I have had puppy love before, But this is full blown love. Its diffrent in ever way. I can see myself with him in the futur, and he says the same. I think its going to work out that way. Hes going to be my highschool sweetheart and Im going to be his. Im glad Ive found the person I think that I want to be with at a young age. 16 year olds usually are spaced between who they like, but I know, and I want to keep this one forever. I love him so much and hes the first person that I know actually loves me back. At lest I wont be older and scared that I will never find love, cause I have found it now. I want him more then anything. I would give up everything just to make him smile. His happyness is the reason for my joy
Angel 'Williams'�Loves Michael Williams Forever