rainiekeyann17's Journal

Nov 2011
10:28 AM CDT

I had an awesome weekend and my weekend did not start out good but in the end, my weekend ended up great..!!! *sooo in love*

Nov 2011
10:20 AM

Well i had a chance to talk to him.. but the chunky one, juss had to spoil the convosation and now i have to wait til i see him in order to actually talk to him about this weekend

Nov 2011
10:50 AM CDT

I had an lovely day soo far.. nothing carazzy happened yet..

Nov 2011
11:20 AM

well can say that today was kinda decient other than the rain.... But its been real quiet too... Mayb it will be even quieter on the bus this afternoon...

Nov 2011
11:14 AM CDT


Okay i am having a gudd day so far... nothing unusual about this school that i attend but the people here are very friendly... and some be tying to find the right subject to talk to me abot n makin me laugh on the subject of Course!!! :p

rainiekeyann17's Profile

  • Username: rainiekeyann17
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Virginia