phillmarc42's Journal

Aug 2021
4:45 AM EDT

Tips for organizing your new school year

Organizing the curricular content to be taught in class is one of the challenges that every teacher faces throughout their career, but it is also one of the most common ones. This process must consider elements such as the time available for the transmission of this knowledge, the number of students per class, or the degree of knowledge and skills of these, among many other factors. Sometimes you need to prepare additional case study examples for students if your taught subject is primarily practical. These issues must be planned before the start of the school year, and as we are about to go back to school, we bring you some tips to help you organize your new school year.

Phases of implementation

  • Identify the context in which you will implement the lessons. It is not only about knowing the subject, but also the course you are working in, the level of knowledge of the students, the competencies to be covered during the teaching process, the characteristics of the institution where it will be taught, and, if possible, those of the students to whom you will address it.
  • Determine what knowledge the learners should have obtained at the end of the previous school year. This serves as a guide for the course's contents and methodologies, providing assessment criteria for the subject, and, finally, informing students about the learning, they will have to undertake during this period.
  • Designing the methodology. Once the teaching modality is known, how the knowledge is taught can be specified, for example, through problem-solving, project-based learning, etc. Subsequently, the different activities are selected and organized, and the required resources and teaching materials, considering the objectives to be achieved. Bear in mind that due to factors beyond our control, in most cases, the time allocated to carry out these activities is usually longer than planned.
  • Establish evaluation criteria. In such a way that the degree to which students have acquired knowledge can be ascertained.
  • Flexibility. To deal with any unforeseen events that may arise, didactic planning must include alternative plans and foresee the possible changes that may occur during the course to assimilate them as far as possible.

Now, it is time to put these tips into practice and be ready for the next school year, considering all the pedagogical tools to use. And you, how are you planning your return to school?

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phillmarc42's Profile

  • Username: phillmarc42
  • Gender / Age: Male, 43
  • Location: USA - DC, Washington