"Mark had been telling us some of the lessons of his life. 'Don't wake up at the end of your life,' he said, ' and find that you've had yourself at the center of it all along.'� He went on: 'You have to find some one, some thing, some purpose greater than yourself to which you're devoted, and cultivate that devotion.� Really give yourself over to it, whether it's teaching, music, family, the law, children, meditation, yoga, gardening.� Whatever." (p. 302)
"Being 'in the state of flow' doesn't mean that we spend all of our time in bliss in the nondual realms.� Flow means allowing ourselves to be surrendered to life, to the way it is, and to forget ourselves in pure involvment in our work, our task at hand, our love - without worry over teh outcome.� As Robert Frost said, 'Freedom means moving comfortably in harness." (p. 303)