pammy's Journal

Sep 2007
8:59 PM GMT

The Boat Trip

Hmmm just read that last entry and had that awkward guilty embarrassed "Oh My God, did I write that?" kind of feeling. It would seem so. A brand new day today in fact a brand new week has passed and there Isn't that much to report back to base. It's Sunday teatime and nothing too dramatic or exciting has happened in the past days since I last waffled!. Work has been the same. the same routine all round really. chicken alarm which I really must remember and change before my mobile goes through the window, the travel back and forth to work, the same old arguments when i come home and the same rubbish on the telly before going to bed. Wow what blast.

I did however have a wonderful Saturday yesterday which involved no alcohol!!! shocking I know, but true. "We" as in my family, were treated by my parents to a day out. We headed off to the coast where we had the freshest of fish in a quaint little cafe, then we went to the harbour and climbed aboard a rather large boat for an afternoon excursion.

The film Overboard was always one of my favourites and I could feel myself playing the part of Goldie Hawn with my mannerisms,calling on the butler:"Andrewwww", "Are you going to bring me that lemon? or do I have to squeeze it from my hat?" and stretching out my long nails, I shook my hands as if they had wet nail varnish on them and said in a high pitched voice "I'm still tacky" That made me laugh really loud! It wasn't until I looked properly at the 8 differently aged people sitting opposite me on the arched seating area staring, that I came to my senses and became myself again, limiting my total excitement at being on a boat.

Pity my wonderful other half had to taint my sailing endeavour ever so slightly, by claiming to have forgotten something, with a totally worried look on his face, "What is it"? I answered, worriedly. "We haven't got any accident insurance for you!" Hmmmm sick man! and sick child for laughing aswell and agreeing with her dad! I side stepped him and kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye throughout the trip. Rather warped sense of humour, I should've known to have expected something like that from him.

I forgot to remain well behaved at times when I saw the seals and puffins and noticed my voice was slightly louder than the man's doing the commentary! oh well, It was my day too, and if 80yr old aggie who was tapping her walking stick didn't like it then tough. I pictured the film jaws and childishly hummed the tune in her general direction. After all I am only 37 you know! proof that age really is only a number.

There is always something magical about a seaside that makes me all daydreamy, the whole summery Ice cream, sand, and sea thing makes me wanna play. I had a really good day, even the obligitary "Eye spy" in the car on the way home was fun... well, to a certain point. The whole cheating thing can irritate me sometimes, even when I firmly state in the rules that the item we are guessing is to be definatley in the car, so the letter D for example would not warrant the guesses of: Dalmation, Dingo, or Dinosaur, All that sea air I'm sure to have the best sleep in a long time. Back Soon. xx

pammy's Profile

  • Username: pammy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 55
  • Location: United Kingdom
    PAMMY's Interests:

    About Me: 37yr old seeks mansion,four poster,red stair carpet,slim toned body,polite well mannered child and last but not least, attentive and understanding man. Hmmmmm. not a chance!